Just as with most religions, atheism has a nasty head that rears when you don't speak of the "movement" with flattery or exalt it to some type of superior realm of being... aka bullshit. Atheism is nothing more than a disbelief in gods. It doesn't say you're smarter, more kind, more giving ... It doesn't say anything of you as a person - other than you don't believe in God or Gods...
Neither does saying irreligious...
Often I run into minds that think ideologically and pull out their fangs when I say something that cuts against the barrage of nonsense people spew on their pages in support of atheism - what I feel is becoming as convoluted as religions. Why? Because that's what humans do. We take a simple term and make it into a complex idea with commandments ... We develop a necessity to say it's "perfect" or defend it zealously - even when it lacks merit.
This is why atheism to me is becoming more and more everyday like an ideological mind fuck where you can't speak out honestly about issues we have in our community... You will always have those who are fucking zealots, and who like to pretend all is peachy fucking keen. They will write blogs, statuses and articles all puking the same shit on the virtues of atheism. They'll write on many subjects they never ACT on...
Those things have became like prayers... A useless motion that allows a fake sense of accomplishment while doing nothing. "Like" on Facebook has become as a prayer ... Doing something, while doing nothing.
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